Day 29: The Microbiome Diet (Phase 3) 

Today marks the first day of Phase 3 of the Microbiome Diet. Yay, I made it! Hurrah! I am not too sure what I am going to do with my blog now. I am not sure how often I’ll be posting, from here on out. I’ve been diligent with posting daily throughout Phase 1 and 2 and am seriously considering posting only when I make an extravagant dish and or have some sort of news about the Diet. I’d like to tell you what Phase 3 consists of. 

First off, I’ll mention what this last phase includes: there is a 70% compliance rule, therefore cheating 30% of the time is okay. Which means that out of the thirty-five meals consumed per week, about ten of them can be anything besides a few items left on the list. These foods left of the list include: processed or packages foods, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, hydrogenated fats, canned fruits, fruit juices, soy, except soy lecithin, and canola or cottonseed oil. The foods that are added, since Phase 2 include: gluten, processed meat or deli meats and peanuts or peanut butter. Cheating more than the ten meals a week could case a failure in the healthy Microbiome in our intestine. Therefore it is important to be careful and cheat sparingly. If there is a point where you do cheat, which may have resulted in an unhealthy gut, go back to Phase 2 and cleanse your gut again. 

Additionally, do not consume gluten more than two times per week, to ensure your gut walls won’t be affected. It is under your best judgement to determine what bothers you, your stomach and what is right for your body. This last phase is still going to include some experimentation to determine what “cheating” your body can handle. 

I am pretty excited to finally get to eat a piece of bread and, or a spoonful of natural peanut butter. While, I am also looking forward to trying some of the recipes I didn’t get to try in the Microbiome Diet book over the course of the past seven weeks. Follow me and stay tuned for more recipes and information about how to transition from Phase 2 to 3. It’s going to be a wild ride so hold on. 

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you all have as good, or better experience than I have had the past seven weeks of my Microbiome lifestyle. 

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